Sacred Heart Thornlie has a vibrant mix of groups and ministries that are very active.  If you’d like to participate and/or understand more we warmly welcome you to make contact (details for each below).

PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL: The Parish Pastoral Council meets on Tuesday night, every six weeks. Contact Maryse Aranda on 0432 913 679 for more information.

PARISH FINANCE COMMITTEE: The Finance Committee meets every 2nd Wednesday of every second month.

PARISH MUSIC MINISTRY: There are 9 Choir Groups in our Parish. For more information please contact Alastair MacKenzie 0421 016 309.

ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY: The St. Vincent De Paul Group meets fortnightly on Mondays at 6:45pm. Contact Trish Humphries on 0488 017 943 for more information.  For Vinnies welfare assistance please call 1300 794 054. 

PARISH SENIORS GROUP: The Seniors Group meets every 1st Thursday of the month at 10am. Monthly outings are also conducted on the 3rd Thursday of the month. Contact Frank Scolt 9455 2985 for more information.

PARISH SOCIAL COMMITTEE: The Social Committee meets every 1st Wednesday of the month. Contact Barbara Chapman on 9456 5207. An invitation to all parishioners to join in a cup of tea/coffee after every 10am Sunday Mass.

LEGION OF MARY: The Legion of Mary meets every Wednesday at 9.15am. Contact Jennifer Farrugia 0452 457 042 for more information.

CHILDREN CATECHIST CLASSES: During the school terms there are available after school classes on Wednesday for children of all ages. Contact Jeannie Willock on 9459 4145.

PERSONAL ADVOCACY GROUP: Parish outreach and faith formation for people with intellectual disabilities. Contact Karen Toledo on 0407 468 044 for more information.

RCIA GROUP: Wanting to know more about becoming a Catholic? Please contact Anne Kennedy on 0426 561 328 for more information.

ADORATION EVERY FIRST FRIDAY OF THE MONTH: Every first Friday of the month Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament after 9am morning Mass concluding at 10.30am

CENACLE PRAYER GROUP: Parishioners are invited to join the Cenacle Prayer Group held every Tuesday after the 9am Mass.

MAINTENANCE COMMITTEE: For maintenance in our Church please contact Denis Mitchell on 0476 589 191.

PARISH COMMUNITY VOLUNTEERING: Parishioners also have the opportunity to connect with others within our Parish via volunteering as Readers, Altar servers, Collectors, Cleaners, etc. Contact the Parish Office on 9459 4459 for more information.